2 - Knowledge transfer between Universities and Business

2.0 - Beginning


Historically, Universities have focused exclusively on academic training and research. However, in recent years new demands have been made on them to develop mechanisms to transfer that knowledge and technology to society as a whole. The ultimate aim of this process is to effectively incorporate knowledge into the productive sector. Therefore, if we want to enhance this activity through open collaboration, it is necessary to establish permanent services which support innovation, promote mobility, enhance interaction, and encourage the exchange of ideas and projects between Universities and Business.

Problems identified

  • Transfer is not prioritised.
  • Companies are only involved in the final stages of university research.
  • Difficulties in bi-directional communication between Universities and Business.
  • Difficulty in selecting the university research group which is most suited to a company’s needs.
  • Inadequate follow-up by the Company of the University’s work on collaborative projects.
  • Limited development of systematic mechanisms for collaboration between Universities and Companies: joint ventures, regular meetings, etc.


The following recommendations provide practical examples of the successful implementation of projects for a more systematic transfer of knowledge and technology between Universities and Companies in different regions.